Welcome Back!

A day ago, when I hang out with my friends Pristi, Aini and Kak Hida, we talked and shared a lot. No, it was not, they spoke and shared a lot. Of course, they asked about what happened to my life, but I can't find a word to tell, like my ability to share is gone somewhere.

So after a long decade of vacuum in the blog world, I think it's time for me to have one again, and write again. In this very first post, I also want to tell you how I set up my new blog as I am thrilled with this (I take this post as a celebration).

  • First, I considered to use an open-source flat-file CMS, there are plenty out there, but finally, I choose Hugo because it is written in Go, as it promises in optimized for speed, and I simply want to try.
  • I make my first Hugo website, I can say it's easy to use. I configure all stuff including taxonomies of my contents, templates, global variables, plus I set up my theme using CSS Style by Manu (I also not forget to buy him a coffee).
  • The best thing is Hugo has excellent integration with Netlify CMS. Netlify CMS acts as a wrapper for my Git workflow, so after I upload my website to GitHub as my hosting, I connect it to Netlify CMS as my continuous deployment service. Netlify CMS also provides me editors with friendly UI (don't forget to create the admin files), custom domain, and free SSL.
  • My life was beautiful.

Here, I don't care about google analytics, SEO (unfortunately SEO nowadays just need a content, not some tech stack again), or whatever. But I just pure want to write, so I won't know you're visiting me now. Thanks for coming and reading.